slide-triathlon slide-scuba slide-canyoning-wetsuits slide-surfing slide-tankless_diving



Please make sure you suit has been thoroughly washed in a tub of water. The hose or a shower does not remove salt. Make sure it is dry on BOTH SIDES 

We charge to wash your suit



Wetsuit, Drysuit Repairs

HYPOXI Suit Repairs

Before sending your wetsuit please read the instructions on our wetsuit page.
We repair and alter all types of wetsuits and drysuits. Triathlon suit repairs require specialist adhesive - don't be tempted to use a well-known sealant! Don't throw away a wetsuit because it's torn or you've broken the zipper or it doesn't fit you as well as it could - it's highly likely it can be fixed at a very reasonable price!

Since 2005, AQUASEA is the authorised repairer for HYPOXI slimming suits. We do all repairs including neck, wrist and leg seals, zipper panels and body panels. 

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Tankless Diving Systems - Powerdive

Do you need to clean under your boat? Would you like a safe means of untangling a rope from your propeller, or checking under your boat? 

Or would you simply like an easy means of shallow diving without the need for heavy scuba equipment?

Then seriously consider a battery driven hookah system, think Powerdive.

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