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Tankless / Hookah Diving Products

Do you need to clean under your boat? Do you like to be able to dive without the necessity for scuba equipment? Would you like a safe means of untangling a rope from your propellor, or checking under your boat? Then seriously consider a battery driven hookah system, think Powerdive.

AQUASEA has a range of single and double hookah systems. Made in Australia, this simple practical concept gets you on and under the water fast.

Hookah systems, or surface fed diving systems, are useful for such activities as:

  • Boat maintenance and emergencies
  • Hull inspections
  • Marina and mooring maintenance
  • Diver training
  • Resort introductory diving
  • Marine science studies and research
  • Pool maintenance
  • Golf ball retrieval
  • Disabled diving

12 Volt Battery Hookah Units Available


Deck Snorkel System:
A compact unit for all underwater emergencies or do-it-yourself boat maintenance and hull cleaning. This unit will take one diver to 6 Metres (22 Feet)
Price: AU $1,995.00

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Double Deck Snorkel System:
A double version of the Deck Snorkel. Buddy dive under your boat or go exploring from your dinghy or inflatable. This unit will take two Divers to 6 Metres (20 feet) or one diver to 12 metres (40 feet)
Price: AU $2,995.00

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Power Snorkel System
Be totally independent with the Power Snorkel free-floating family unit. 55-60 minute dive time. - 2 Divers to 6 Metres (20 Feet) - 1 Diver to 12 Metres (40 Feet)
Price: AU$3,995.00

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Petrol Driven Hookah

The Super Snorkel is the result of further innovation on the Power Dive concept. The Super Snorkel is the smallest, lightest, cleanest petrol hookah system in the world, totally oil-free. Powered by the reliable Honda GX-160 5.5HP engine. Popular for lobster or abalone fishing and pearl or fish farming, particularly in remote locations where tank refills are difficult to access.

Super Snorkel
Incorporating a 5.5cfm tube frame. Takes 2 divers to 16metres, one diver to 25 metres 
Price: AU$5,995.00


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More Information About Tankless Diving

Diver Training

In the interest of your safety and well being, we at Aquasea recommend that all hookah users should be trained in scuba diving to fully understand the impact of breathing compressed air in the underwater world.  Please feel free to contact me to discuss the reasons why, phone 02 9540 4774.

Gaining certification in scuba diving is not expensive, I can organise your training for as little as $300.

There are well over 10,000 hookah units in operation here in Australia, so why not come in and discuss your requirements, we can show you the options and how they relate to your needs. We are certified scuba divers of many years experience, your safety, performance and enjoyment are paramount to us. Our entire family dives (scuba and hookah). Your success and enjoyment using the hookah equipment is the best advertising we could wish for, so discuss your needs with us and let's get started. However we’re not afraid to say NO if we believe the units are not suitable.

All our 12 volt hookah systems are ready for use, all you have to do is connect them to a 12 volt battery and put the mouthpiece in your mouth, at best a couple of minutes and you're away.

Remember, there are no tanks to refill, no annual hydro of scuba tanks, no annual maintenance of scuba regs and BCDs. Yes, you will need a mask and fins, and the desire to have fun.

These hookahs are just as useful for recreational diving as for emergencies, general inspection and cleaning under boats at any time, day or night.

Powering the hookah is a 12 volt rechargeable battery. You may have one or more on your boat already, or a complete electrical system running on 12 volts. The hookah pump doesn’t care where the 12 volts comes from, that’s up to you. For recharging you can even use solar or wind, or the cigarette lighter in your boat or vehicle.

General Information About Tankless Diving

The amount of time you can spend underwater at any depth using the above units is dependant on your battery. Using any 12v battery this is known as its ‘operating amperage’ (how much beer is in the glass?). The higher the amperage the longer you can dive. For example lets say you have a 12v battery with 120A/H, If you were diving at say 7metres (22foot) you could hang around there for probably 6hours+. Now you must realise that different people breathe at different rates so it is difficult to give precise figures, eg a woman normally breathes less than a man. Try it at home, 2 people breathing at ‘rest’ say for a minute keeping a mental count of how many breaths each takes in the minute, now compare the results. Normally women have a lower rate than men. Now I haven’t taken into account people's age or physical size, or their level of fitness. There are a lot of factors that impact your breathing rate. Suffice to say that if you were diving for say 6 hours (why would you?) and wanted to do a lot more with confidence, why not surface take a break and just change batteries and when you're ready go back in.

Remember our recommendation above about diving training, if you plan to go down beyond the depth of your boat's hull, it would be wise to head our call, you never know you just might learn something that could save your life or the life of someone else who may get into trouble.

Most customers upon seeing a 12v Hookah, say “Wow - how much and how deep can we go?”. My first reaction is: "What do you want to use it for?" Most people on a boat want something that is safe and friendly for their kids and friends to go down a few metres and play about while looking at the fish, etc. Or they are looking for a simple way to get under their boat to give it a clean. This is why we ask what are your intentions/needs. It doesn’t take long for us to ascertain your requirements. We know that the majority of customers are not scuba divers and have no idea about the equipment.

Power Dive Hookahs are made in Australia from quality components, represent excellent value for money and will go on and on for years.
The DECK SNORKEL for instance sells for just under half the cost of an average scuba diving kit.

The DOUBLE DECK SNORKEL sells for $700 less than the cost of an average scuba diving kit, but it’s a setup for two (2) divers.

Don’t forget there are no ongoing costs for tank refills/hydros/annual reg/BCD service for scuba gear.

Simple to operate, they are not ‘heavy’, they are not ‘intimidating’ to novices to snorkelling. It's very easy to keep an eye on the kids as they play around connected to the unit, be it sitting on your boat or the ‘floating’ model that follows the divers wherever they go. These units are quiet and unobtrusive to you or vessels near to you. With fixed hose lengths you know exactly how far and deep you can go, this also means longer and/or multiple dives without actually registering on ‘dive tables’ for any decompression. You can turn the unit on, put your mask and fins on, slip into the water in less than 3 minutes. If you have a spare battery onboard you don’t have to worry about ‘tank refills’ at your closest dive shop, just swap the battery over. The units are small enough to be stowed away on your boat without interfering with your normal onboard gear.

Comparisons With Traditional Scuba

These units are not intended to compete with scuba gear. But for the average person who wants go down a bit and see what is there or clean/inspect their boat's hull etc, these units come into their own. They are environmentally friendly, they do not use a oil lubricated pump to work. Who knows, after using a 12v hookah, you may enjoy it so much that you now wish to go and learn how to scuba dive. Do you know that most of the abundant and colourful marine life is in less than 10 metres of water, normally the first 6-7 metres?