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Please make sure you suit has been thoroughly washed in a tub of water. The hose or a shower does not remove salt. Make sure it is dry on BOTH SIDES 

We charge to wash your suit


12V Power Snorkel System

PDPS-1-200Be completely independent with the Power Snorkel free-floating family unit. With the included battery, 55-60 minute dive time.

Suitable for - 2 divers to 5 metres (16 feet) 
Suitable for - 1 diver to 10 metres (32 feet)

Complete System: AU$3,995.00 (includes battery)
Power Snorkel : AU$3,750.00 (no battery)
Power Snorkel (unit only):  AU$2,995.00


Now to the real fun!

If you like snorkelling, you'll just love Power Diving! With Power Dive's free floating Power Snorkel, you can buddy dive to 5 metres with family and friends for an hour on the standard 33 a/h battery. There are no tanks to carry, wear or refill and, after your dive, simply recharge the battery or replace/exchange the battery and do it all again.

In the Power Snorkel Hookah, the pump and motor are housed in a floating surround which enables the Power Snorkel to float above with the divers below. With the Power Snorkel you can dive from the shore or your vessel.

The Power Snorkel is fantastic in any resort style diving operation. Just the sheer appearance and concept of Power Dive attracts people to the product. It's bright appearance and dive flag, makes it easy to see where the divers are at all time. Training is minimal and inexperienced divers can be diving in minutes.

PDPSdiagramThe Complete Package includes:

Power Snorkel Compressor Unit
Air Reservoir
2 Regulators with Dive Harness
Gear Bag


1m (pump to reservior)
6m (reservoir to Y-piece)
6m (Y-piece to diver 1)
6m (Y-piece to diver 2)

Note: Extension hoses are also available to increase horizontal distance from Power Snorkel to divers.


Number of divers:
One or Two

Operating Voltage:
12 Volts DC

Maximum Depth*:
1 diver to 10 metres (36 feet) *
2 divers to 5 metres (16 feet)

Operating Amps:
24 Amps

Dive Duration:
55-60 mins using 33 a/h battery

Set-up time:
3 mins

Req. power supply:
12v DC, 24 Amps continuous

Hose lengths:
1x1m, 3x6m

Extension lengths:
Available in 10m, 20m lengths

Battery Data:
Power Dive AGM
Recommended Absorbed Power AGM
(absorbed glass mat) batteries

Recharge Time:
Depends on battery size and charger
(ie, 33 a/h by 8 a/h charger = 4.5 hrs)

Dual 'rubber diaphragm' compressors which are:


Lubrication free

Low maintenance

12 month warranty (return to base)

Operating pressure:
173 kPa (25 psi)

Inflow Rate:
4 cfm or 90 ltr / min.

Unit Only: W.45 x D.45 x H.56 23Kg Tot in Box.Reservoir: 2.5Kg W.069 x L.072 x H.765

Bag (with hoses):
800mmL x 370mmW x 270mmH
Weight: 6kg

Battery Box for shipment, courier etc:
220mmL x 155mmW x 190mmH
Weight: 12kg

* Achievable depths vary (plus or minus) depending on a number of factors (diving experience, level of exertion, breathing technique, age, fitness, etc).